How Soon To Date After Divorce?

Many people who have finalized their divorce have one question on their mind: “When can I start dating again?” It is understandable to want to start a new relationship and find companionship again. But rushing into the dating scene too soon can have its pitfalls, both emotionally and legally.

Balancing the Most Delicate of Scales

The whole concept of divorce is centered on improving your own life and finding happiness again. For so many people, this means being romantically attached to another person and waiting to find that connection again can be difficult. Dating before your divorce finalizes, however, can cause even more difficulty. In particular, your spouse may feel betrayed and incited to see you moving on before your marriage has officially dissolved. A divorce that would have been simple and quick can spiral out of control due to unchecked emotions and become quite complex.

If you start to date before your divorce finalizes, you may also run headfirst into complications regarding your alimony. Your soon-to-be ex could argue that your ability to move on and find companionship elsewhere is indicative of your ability to find financial support elsewhere. If the court can be convinced, it may assign little or no spousal maintenance, expecting that your new relationship will provide for you instead.

Just as dating before or soon after your divorce finalizes can alter your spousal support options, it can also impact your child custody agreement. If your children are emotionally upset by your decision to move on and spark a new relationship, the court could decide to reward more parenting time to your ex. On the other hand, you may be given more parenting time than you expected if the addition of a new partner creates a living environment considerably more stable than that of your ex.

Mindful Decisions Help Avoid Complications

No matter how you approach it, dating too soon after your divorce, or before the finalization of your divorce, can cause a myriad of legal complications. This is not to say that you should intentionally resist starting new relationships but perhaps step with an air of caution. Be mindful of how one decision can send repercussions elsewhere and you should be fine.

If you do have any pressing questions or encounter legal trouble, a professional’s input and services can be the right solution. Contact Hedayati Law Group P.C. and our Long Island divorce attorneys when you require assistance. We have more than 100 years of collective legal experience that we can bring together to help you find the most amicable solution to your family law problem.

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